IC5146 Cocoon Nebula

IC5146 Cocoon Nebula

The common name of IC5146 or Caldwell C19 is the Cocoon Nebula. It is about 4000 light years away and is approximately 8 light years in diameter. It is a collection of a small number of stars along with a nursery that is generating hundreds of new stars.

IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg), CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The Cocoon Nebula is also located in the constellation Cygnus and is high over head in the late evening (~10PM) in late August / early September.

The image is a modest 5 hour exposure, 2 hours Luminance and 1 hour each colour channel (RGB) taken over three nights in early November 2021.

LocationOld Photons Observatory Ottawa Ontario
DateNovember 2021
MountParamount MX
Optical InstrumentCelestron EDGE11 with F7 Focal reducer
Camera InstrumentSBIG STF-8300 CCD Temperature -20C
FocusPosition = 1589 Avg HFD = 3.93 Avg FWHM = 3.19 Temperature: 11.5 Filter: Lum (slot 5)
Focal RatioImaging at f/7, Guiding at f/4.9
Focal LengthExpected = 1960mm, Measured = 1950.4 mm
Exposure5 Hours total R 1h (6x10min) @ 2×2 Binning G 1h (6x10min) @ 2×2 Binning B 1h (6x10min) @ 2×2 Binning L 2h (6x20min) @ 1×1 Binning
Image scaleExpected = 0.57, Measured = 0.57(arcsec/pix)
Image Center (J2000)21° 53’ 24.00” 45° 16’ 01.2”
Image FWHMMeasured = 4.8 arcsec (8.5 pixels)
Image ProcessingAstrometric Alignment stacking in MaxIM DL Digital Development 3×3 Median Kernel Filter

Online references

Universe Guide https://www.universeguide.com/nebula/ic5146

NASA https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap090305.html

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_5146

Astrophysical Journal https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/587687

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